Image Optimization Tools

Image optimization includes image cropping, resizing, converting, compressing, and even small shorter changes. When you do coding, you have to go to Photoshop to do this work and get very annoyed, it takes a lot of time. The news of happy news is that it will not be disturbed anymore and will not waste time. Many free tools are available online. Today's article for those who already know that they are using and those who do not know. 

The best photo optimization tools


There are many tools for image optimization. Not all equal quality I will discuss some of the most useful and useful ones.

1) Picresize

This is the simplest tool. It can be easily crupped, resized and edited by it. You just upload or drag the image from the computer. With one click, the photo will be fixed to the specified size. You can download any format. It's totally free.

2) JPEG Optimizer

JPEG-Optimizer is a free tool for resizing and compressing. You can show your photo anywhere. Do not download any additional software. Everything will be online.

3) Shrink Pictures

With Shrink pictures, you can resize the image directly to social networking sites. It's easy to find out, if you go to this site, you can take a look at the first video tutorial. Through it, you can give photo breaks and any effects.

4) Image Optimizer

Image optimizer will help you optimize gifs, animated gifs, pngs, jpegs. The images are loaded on your site very easily. You can also convert from one format to another format.

5) Jpeg Reducer

Jpeg Reducer is a free tool that will make you easily image images. It will reduce the size of the image and pixels in a nice way.

6) Compressnow

Compressnow is an audio tool that compresses the image. It shortens the larger image. Web pages will load very quickly, bandwidth will be less expensive. It can be used before emailing or posting to the social site.

It is very easy to use these tools. Any web designer or developer can use these tools to get some time to work. These are very good quality photos can not be edited. But for our web, usually it can be done in a short time.

If you like the tune and share it, feel free to nominate the tune for the selection. If you have any questions, you can do the tuition. Stay tuned with the technology. Greetings of everyone coding.

author Author: Robert Calixto

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